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Thursday, 2. November 2006
WeFOOTre Fresh Obsessed!
Where: College Park Dominion at the corner of Yonge and College. Yeah? Well I’m FOOT MARK OBSESSED so there. Why this awkward and out of focus picture? I wanted to show both the terrible, poorly typeset tagline that’s been manufactured as a 3D plastic thing hanging over the escalator, as well as the banner in front of the store downstairs that uses a real live apostrophe! BOOO. Wrong and inconsistent!? I hope your groceries are fresher than your signage because your signage REEKS of FAILURE. ... Link Wednesday, 1. November 2006
The dreaded 416
Where: on a TTC subway backlit. What. The. Hell. Did. You. Do. To. That. Lowercase. L? Did you make it taller? I DIE. Apparently itFOOTs the law to have a licence for your dog, which I don’t understand. Foot and inch marks are not apostrophes and quotation marks! Here is a little rhyme to help you remember: Straight up and down you’re in foot mark town! As if that wasn’t enough, here we see the first of one million examples of the dreaded 4 1 6. The number one ALWAYS needs some kerning attention. KERN! OH GOD KERN IT. EDIT: While you’re at it, kern in all those sinful periods! ... Link
I am richer than I thin k!
Where: The corner of Yonge and St. Clair. You’re richer than you thin k.® I a m? Hurra y! This has to be some kind of subtle sabotage. I can’t understand how a) this wasn't picked up at the layout phase. b) somebody signed this off to the printer c) it wasn’t caught before it was installed. Do you hate eyes? Look, look at that huge space. Never mind that the space between you and thin is too small. Horrifying. ... Link ... Next page
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