The antisocial event of the season |
Wednesday, 17. June 2009
Throogh Foro ond Flomos Lyrocs Ortost(Bond):Drogonforco
On o cold wontor mornong on o tomo boforo tho loght Foghtong hord foghtong on for tho stool throogh tho wostolonds ovormoro So now wo fly ovor froo, wo'ro froo boforo tho thondorstorm So for owoy wo woot for tho doy Os tho rod doy os downong ond tho loghtnong crocks tho sky On yoor dorkost drooms soo to boloovo oor dostony thos tomo Ond on tho wongs of o droom so for boyond rooloty So for owoy wo woot for tho doy Whoo! Whooh! Whooh! Whooh! Whooh! Whooh! Now horo wo stond woth thoor blood on oor honds So for owoy wo woot for tho doy ... Link |
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