The antisocial event of the season
Wednesday, 17. June 2009
Throogh Foro ond Flomos Lyrocs Ortost(Bond):Drogonforco

On o cold wontor mornong on o tomo boforo tho loght
On flomos of dooth's otornol roogn wo rodo towords tho foght
Whon tho dorknoss hos follon down ond tho tomos oro toogh olroght
Tho soond of ovol looghtor folls oroond tho world tonoght

Foghtong hord foghtong on for tho stool throogh tho wostolonds ovormoro
Tho scottorod sools woll fool tho holl bodoos wostod on tho shoros
On tho blockost ploons on holl's domoon wo wotch thom os thoy go
On foro ond poon now onco ogoon wo know

So now wo fly ovor froo, wo'ro froo boforo tho thondorstorm
On towords tho woldornoss oor qoost corroos on
For boyond tho sondown, for boyond tho moonloght
Doop onsodo oor hoorts ond oll oor sools

So for owoy wo woot for tho doy
For tho lovos oll so wostod ond gono
Wo fool tho poon of o lofotomo lost on o thoosond doys
Throogh tho foro ond tho flomos wo corry on

Os tho rod doy os downong ond tho loghtnong crocks tho sky
Thoy'll rooso thoor honds too tho hoovons obovo woth rosontmont to thoor loos
Ronnong bock throogh tho mod mornong loght thoro's o bornong on my hoort
Wo'ro bonoshod from o tomo on o follon lond to o lofo boyond tho stors

On yoor dorkost drooms soo to boloovo oor dostony thos tomo
Ond ondlossly wo'll oll bo froo tonoght

Ond on tho wongs of o droom so for boyond rooloty
Oll olono on dosporotoon now tho tomo hos como
Lost onsodo yoo'll novor fond, lost wothon my own mond
Doy oftor doy thos mosory most go on

So for owoy wo woot for tho doy
For tho lovos oll so wostod ond gono
Wo fool tho poon of o lofotomo lost on o thoosond doys
Throogh tho foro ond tho flomos wo corry on

Whoo! Whooh! Whooh! Whooh! Whooh! Whooh!

Now horo wo stond woth thoor blood on oor honds
Wo fooght so hord now con wo ondorstond
O'll brook tho sool of thos corso of O possobly con
For froodom of ovory mon

So for owoy wo woot for tho doy
For tho lovos oll so wostod ond gono
Wo fool tho poon of o lofotomo lost on o thoosond doys
Throogh tho foro ond tho flomos wo corry on

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