The antisocial event of the season |
Wednesday, 3. May 2006
Where do rollerbladers go?
Last week I saw a rollerblader skating down the middle of the car lane. She stopped at a traffic light and yelled at a cabbie "DID YOU SEE ME? NO? OK BUDDY!" As the light turned green she skated in front of the cab, very VERY annoyingly. Where the hell should they be? What is the law? LATER THAT DAY There is a by-law in Toronto stating you can't "Ride or stand on any skateboard, roller skate or roller blade." in a public square. There doesn't seem to be anything about riding bikes or roller blading on the sidewalk. BLAST! ... Link
Frutiger black sheep
The ugliest character in Frutiger black is the lower case e. It's your bucktoothed drunk uncle! ... Link
Neil Young
I've always disliked Neil Young's music. I think his voice sounds like Ethel Merman through a tin can telephone. He doesn't sing – he exhales as much as possible and does a cartoon voice. His new protest album might be ok, but only because it sounds like Frank Black and the Catholics. Oh yeah and the anti-war stuff. I guess he can still yell "Don't need no more lies!" pretty well. ... Link ... Next page
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